速報APP / 約會交友 / Buddy - Find A BoyFriend

Buddy - Find A BoyFriend





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Made with ❤️ in India

Buddy - Find A BoyFriend(圖1)-速報App

Swipe-Match-Chat and Meet new people in your area. Buddy is an online dating and friendship app for everyone.

Buddy app is free to use for everyone and offers a smooth chatting experience. You can set your own location and search preferences to filter out whom you'd like to talk to.

You can use ⚡Instant-Match to instantly match with users you feel compelled to talk to. All new users are given 2 Snaps to start with. Share app to get more Snaps or buy more Snaps from the app.

Buddy - Find A BoyFriend(圖2)-速報App

How to use?

1. SignIn to your account

2. Set your location and search preferences

Buddy - Find A BoyFriend(圖3)-速報App

3. Swipe Right/Left on other users

4. Message them if they match

Benefits of using Buddy

Buddy - Find A BoyFriend(圖4)-速報App

★ Find and meet cool people interested in you

★ Make friends, plan activites together, shop, go out, eat, watch movies, explore places, or just hang out

★ Find your perfect match based on your sex, gender or sexuality

Buddy - Find A BoyFriend(圖5)-速報App

★ And who knows you might even meet the love of your life

Buddy - Find A BoyFriend(圖6)-速報App